VER SUR MER, a coastal village to discover

Feel like taking a stroll near our guest house and discovering our charming coastal village VER SUR MER.
Follow the dike in the direction of Asnelles, you will discover the marshes of Ver sur Mer - Meuvaines, this wetland facing the oyster beds.
For you walkers, it is a walk between marshes and pastures where historical breaks are essential. Here and there, you can read signs related to the events of 1944 in Ver sur Mer .
Moreover, you can see the artificial harbour of Arromanches lès bains in the distance.
This marsh, as you will see, is home to numerous birds (reed harrier, blue throat...) and also protected plant species.

On the way back, you can stop at the Ver-sur-Mer lighthouse. This one was put into service in 1836, damaged in 1944, it was restored after the war in 1950. It produces 3 white flashes every 15 seconds which you can see from our guest rooms at Mas Normand.
It cannot be visited but you will be able to contemplate a nice view of the sea.
hotel ver sur merTo continue the visit of the village, go up to the church of Saint Martin, a beautiful Romanesque church of the 11th, 12th and 13th centuries. It still has its 11th-century bell tower, which was never altered despite a landing that passed very close by.

For history enthusiasts or the curious, the AMERICA - GOLD BEACH Museum is worth a visit. The museum tells two stories. On the one hand, the 42 hours of the first airmail flight between the United States and France. On the other, "GOLD BEACH" which relates the meticulous preparation of the Landing by the British.

Open from 1 April 2018 to 31 October 2018. Allow 40 min for the visit

site : Go to the museum's website

If you feel a little hungry after this walk, you can treat yourself at L'EPI VER, where Laetitia and Anthony, an artisan baker and pastry chef, are waiting for you and will introduce you to various types of bread: traditional, La Banette, Viking bread, tradigraines.... pastries and cakes, choice of sandwiches with the possibility of formulas.

And you can taste its various products also at breakfast in our guest rooms.

From September 1st to June 30th every day except Wednesday. July and August, every day except Sunday afternoon.
7:00 am to 1:30 pm and 3:30 pm to 7:30 pm

Also, in the same street as the EPI VER, you will find friendly and welcoming shopkeepers, a PROXI grocery shop open 7 days a week as well as a Bar-Tobacco-Press LE MIKADO.
Don't hesitate to ask me for some walking routes.